Sunday, April 12, 2009

Laser Hair Removal In Kansas: Im about to make an apointment today you think i should?

im thinking about laser surgery Laser Hair Removal In Kansas for the hair i have on my face but im a little embarassed about it, its flat and im sort of a indian skin color should i do it? HELP ME PLEASE!10 points awarded, thanks!

answer:Oh, honey, this is such a routine thing, you may not even need a laser surgery, depending on how the hair looks and where it's located, a simple removal with a blade will probably do it. It will not even leave scars... I had one and carried it for hmmm... possibelly Laser Hair Removal In Kansas 15 years, until some kid that didn't remember my name, refferred to me as the girl with the thing next to her nose... and I said that's it! I went and talked to the family doctor, Laser Hair Removal In Kansas and he took it out in no time, 15 minutes tops... ugh!! and all those years I was soo self conscious for nothing...Just get it out of the way you won't miss it, guaranteed!Most hair s are benign so if you are worried Laser Hair Removal In Kansas about cancer, they will do a biopsy on it, if you are really worried, I mean... but it's not likely to be malignant.... very rarely it is.

answer:If the hair bothers you or is large and possibly cancerious then yes do it but other wise why bother?

answer:i think a hair adds character to the face. i wouldn't worry about it especially if it doesn't hurt or get in the way. Laser surgery is expensive and not entirely necessary. Laser Hair Removal In Kansas don't be so vain. love the skin your in!!!

answer:Get it done if you are self conscious about it, or if it is driving you nuts. Don't do it because someone else wants you to Laser Hair Removal In Kansas do it. Good luck.



answer:people have hairs removed all the time. it's not a huge deal, or frowned upon. so it sounds to me like you are uncomfortable about it, and you should have it removed.

answer:I think u should Laser Hair Removal In Kansas do whatever makes u feel comfortble. If u would be more comfortable without then take it off. But, that also makees u unique... so do whatever makes U feel best and dont do it for someone else.

answer:Having hairs removed is a quick process, it's no big deal. If you are embarrassed about it, then you should just go ahead and get it removed. Dermatologists remove hairs all the Laser Hair Removal In Kansas time and won't think a thing of it.

answer:I have never had a hair laser removed...didn't know that was an Laser Hair Removal In Kansasoption. I did have one taking off my stomach but they just cut it off and then cautrized it right there. It is still bright red on my tummy. Hopefully the laser is not the same techinque.I say go for it if you hate the hair. Then let m e know how it Laser Hair Removal In Kansas goes because I have one on my lip I want gone...but after the one on my stomach thought I cuold live with it.

answer:if it makes u fell embarassed then do it. yah definatly go for it!!!! good luck

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