Friday, May 15, 2009

Laser Hair Removal In Kansas: I Have a mole inside my skin is it removal with laser surgery?

its on my face im browned skinned, its about the size of a peanut PLeasE HelP ME i really really want to know! A BIG THANK YOU!!

answer:yep laser it Laser Hair Removal In Kansas i had it done they are called planter hairs

answer:I am not trying to scare you but caution you to take necessary and sensible steps about this affliction on your skin. My advice is to see a GP or doctor who Laser Hair Removal In Kansas will then refer you to see the appropriate specialist if the situation warrants it. Moles can be a sign of melanoma or skin cancer, despite your brown skin the high levels of ultra-violet rays nowadays are even causing melanin-rich pigmented people(brown Laser Hair Removal In Kansas skinned) to develop skin cancer.

answer:That doesn't sound like any hair to me! Those are on the surface of the skin. It ma y just be a pilar (PIE-lar) cyst. They are harmless but incurale and recurrent, and you don't want them on your face. See a doctor ASAP for a diagnosis. The whole "under" your skin bothers me.


answer:the best thing to do is to consult a dermatologist. they will give you the best treatment in your problem.goodluck!!!!!!!!

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