Saturday, June 6, 2009

Laser Hair Removal In Kansas: Can you get rid of moles?

Is there any way of getting rid of hairs. I had heard you could laser them off but even if that is Laser Hair Removal In Kansas true it doesnt sound very nice.

answer:ok, u go to the dermatolagist and thye can take it off for you, i have seen it done. they stick the hair with a shot (like a needle) and inject some stuff to numb it and Laser Hair Removal In Kansas then they scrape it off! yup, they scrape it right off. then u have to wear a bandade for a while to keep it from getting air so it wont scar.~also, u will never tan in that spot, so then u get a tan, u will have a lovely little white dot on ur skin, Laser Hair Removal In Kansas now isnt that nice? haha

answer:Well,there are actually three different ways to have a hair removed.Burning,freezing and scraping.Each do leave scars but some more than the others.Burning lea ves a scar more noticeable but is a quicker procedure,freezing leaves no scar Laser Hair Removal In Kansas and is quick and last but not least scraping.Scraping leaves the most scarring and all though a numbing agent is used you can feel it still.All has to be done by a doctor/dermatologist.I suggest talking with your health care physician about this procedure and find the best option for you.

answer:I got rid of my Laser Hair Removal In Kansas hair in 8th grade through a laser.(only I went to a prof)It doesn't hurt, they keep you awake, aand basically they keep a band aid on the scab that'll eventually disappear.It looks completely fine to me now too(I'm in 9th) :]

answer:surgically. i had to have 3 removed because of possible skin cancer and now i have ugly scars left over...sooo if ur wanting this for cosmetic reasons, you have to understand why i dont support that at all.but uh...good lu Laser Hair Removal In Kansasck~

answer:yes u can get
them lanced but it they don't bother you- leave em alone.

answer:I had my hair removed with a scalpel. The actual process did not hurt at all because the area was numbed. It hurt after the anesthesia wore off, though.

answer:go to i removed three and no Laser Hair Removal In Kansas scarring was left plus its cheaper than getting them lasered off.

answer:I used hair and wart ez clear. took about 30 minutes in the comfort of my own home.

answer:derm removes them with a scalpel

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