Saturday, June 27, 2009

Laser Hair Removal In Kansas: I have a mole on my there a way to get rid of it without lasering? or laser it without a scar?

it is kinda big. I am self concious of it. I really want a way to get rid of it without surgery or my dermotologist. Or if i need to go to my dermotologist. Will removing Laser Hair Removal In Kansas it that way leave a very noticeable scar??

answer:honestly,as nasty as it sounds I kept twisting it alittle everyday Laser Hair Removal In Kansas till it came loose and plucked it off.hasnt came back since.

answer:I think you should consider having it removed. The procedure is quite simple and leaves a small, barely noticeable scar. I've had a few hairs removed from my face and you cannot tell...only that they are not there anymore. The scars cannot be seen. They were removed by cutting them out. I had a few Laser Hair Removal In Kansas stitches for a 5 days and that was that.It's not as bad as you think it is. It really is minor. Instead of a dermatologist, contact a plastic surgeon. The results will be much better.EMT

answer:you can ask your dermatolgist about which way is the best without scaring. They can give you advice.

answer:Not too long ago, hairs had to be burned or cut. Laser Hair Removal In Kansas Now you can get it lasered off with minimal to almost no scarring. There are cosmetic surgeons who specialize in this procedure all over.See article below which explains how it is done. Although this doctor is in Chicago, you will just need to find a similar doctor in your area.

answer:my boss went to a derm and he Laser Hair Removal In Kansas got it cut out. the derm recommended excision instead of laser. no scar whatsoever . and he had a fairly large hair too. It always Laser Hair Removal In Kansas bothered him and so he paid for the procedure out of pocket. (it was considered cosmetic and so insurance didn't cover for it.)so i guess it depends on your hair and your skin texture. some people will scar easier and also leave a red mark (hyperpigmentation) darker and longer than others.

answer:Which is worse a scar that fads or a hair ??

answer:just cut it off yourself

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