Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Laser Hair Removal In Kansas: After getting moles removed?

I have a medium size hair on the back of my neck and two small ones right beside it. I've always hated them. My mom has alot of hairs too and when she had some of them removed, alot more came back in that same spot. Can this happen Laser Hair Removal In Kansas to me? Will it happen if i get laser surgery to have them removed? And why would a bunch of littler hairs come in where the one hair has just been removed?

answer:your body will become over run with little hairs

answer:Those hairs are actually called Laser Hair Removal In Kansas 'nevi' (plural for 'nevus,' which is Latin). What happened when your mother had some hairs removed and more came back in that same spot, is that the doctor took only the � 39;surface' of the hair, and the 'roots' were Laser Hair Removal In Kansas separated and each grew a new hair. Go to the best dermatologist you can ... preferably at a University hospital or one associated with a good medical school. Have the hair surgically (usually not laser surgery) removed, so the roots are taken, too. Also get screened for malignant melanoma (which can be done visually by Laser Hair Removal In Kansas the doctor removing the hairs) so if you do have the 'dangerous' kind of hair, they'll be treated properly.

answer:look up where you are going to remove your hairs is trustableGOOD LUCK WITH THAT

answer:try and c wat happens

answer:u should get it removed if u feel that way. hope it Laser Hair Removal In Kansas goes well. i added u on my contacts u want to be frie nds??

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