Thursday, April 23, 2009

Laser Hair Removal In Kansas: I have a big flat mole on face you think laser surgery is possible to remove, any scars?? its in my skin?


answer:First of all, you should have it looked at by a doctor (preferably a dermatologist) to make certain it is not cancerous or harmful in any way. Second of all, laser surgery can remove such a "blemish" with little or know scarring if done by a reputable professional Laser Hair Removal In Kansas and if it does not go to Laser Hair Removal In Kansas deep. But you must check with you doctor first. He/She can refer you to a dermatologist who can answer this question better than any of us can.

answer:I knew someone who had a big hair on the end of their nose.They had it removed and there was no scar left at all.Not even any redness.

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