Friday, June 26, 2009

Laser Hair Removal In Kansas: Plz can you rate my elemental hero and neos spacian deck list? rate my deck plz?

(monster)e-hero aviane-hero forestmanneo spacian glow mossneo spacian grand haire-hero the heate-hero claymannecro garnaneo spacian dark panthere-hero neose-hero sparkmaninfinity darke-hero bladedgeneo spacian flare scarabe-hero necroshadee-hero bubblemane-hero lady of firee-hero burstinatrixe-hero neos Laser Hair Removal In Kansas aliusevil hero infernal gianerneo spacian aqua dolphinwinged kuribohe-hero wildheart(traps)torrental tributehero barrierhero medalnegate attackelemental rechargehero signala hero emerges(spells)skyscraperde-fusionpolymerization=2graceful charitymonster rebornfifth hopeshrinkhero bondspark blasterneo spacefake herolight laserrighteous justiceemergemcy callhero heartskyscraper 2nexoversoulburst returncontact out(Fusion)glow neosflare neosgrand neosaqua neosmarine neosphoenix Laser Hair Removal In Kansas enforcerwildedgethundergiantwil d wingmandark brightrampart blastermarine dolphin(more)

answer:am srry i do have e-hero deck, but i quit

answer:i like prettymuch all those boardz

answer:hm... ok, first off, it's fifty-one cards in the main deck. That's completely unnecessary, and probably the main reason the deck lacks Laser Hair Removal In Kansas so much focus. Secondly, some of those cards are banned, while other ones don't exist in English. (Like E-Hero Lady of Fire, which appeared in Japan quite recently in the tenth Premium Pack.) So, based on those pieces, I must conclude you are running a non-banlist Japanese deck. If this is the case, inform me through mail, and I will help you build for the overseas environment. If that is not the case, we need to talk about it and figure out what to do for the appropriate format.~Poe.A.K.A.Vigo the Carpathean

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